Rambling Down the Mulberry Bush

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

OK OK I know I 'm supposed to write some sort of opening address ,this being the first entry and all, but i can't be arsed.

Updates on the internship situation:

i) I received a call from the editor of Citta/ Citra/ Cita (who knows how it's spelled...) Bella yesterday requesting an interview with moi. I think it's an English magazine as she was rather well-spoken.

ii) I barged into the Internship Supervisor (or whatever her title is) and handed her my contact list (again) AND my email correspondents with Going Places, Traverama and FEMALE.

iii) She called me at home to ask me if I prefer Going Places or FEMALE as they're both accepting interns. I say "Going Places" because :

a) It has a circulation of 90 000 and is held in good esteem amongst journalists (eventhough it's only an in-flight magazine).

b) It's a travel magazine and I plan to 'specialise' in travel writing.

c) If I am lucky, I may actually get to do assignments (i.e. TRAVEL... for free and write about it of course) .

While I have no doubt that FEMALE is more famous and I have higher chances of getting free be-yoo-ty products, I'm no greedy freebie-grabber. Besides, I'm no 'hehe we're girls, let's all play dress-up, talk about relationships and slather make-up on each other' person.

iv) I went to the bookshop to look for the previously-mentioned "Citra Bella".

Mission: NOT Accomplished
Excuse: No where to be found. When I asked, the sales lady asked " Huh, Malay magazine ah? We don't have lah".

Other updates:

Magazine for Journalism 2 done.

CPM pre-finals results are out : 39/40 for the fundraising assignment. Amazing.

Petition to kick FW lecturer signed and handed in.


I've eaten more brownies (got another pan from Pathma) than a 160cm tall, fat girl should?

I'm bored.


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