Rambling Down the Mulberry Bush

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


My exams are over! I'm free!

Til next week (when I start my internship with FEMALE), that is. So that's 5-5.5 days a week til December 24th and then it's off to the land of klompen, windmolen and the guy who cut his ears off (Van Gogh, everytime I try to pronounce that, I feel like a cat coughing out a hairball...).

I met Maartje on MSN today and she said Sebas cried a lot and lost weight last week. I hope Sebas is OK. Sometimes I get really scared that I'll be taking care of a 2.5 month old (that's how old he'll be when I get there). Here I am, having never even touched a baby since I was 10 (cousin) in sole charge of a 3 month old wrinkly bundle. It scares me. But I was honest with the parents and they told me that they're first-time parents and they had to learn everything from scratch too. They said that they would teach me and supervise me the first week (Maartje goes back to work in January) and that I can call them anytime (Maartje works only 100 metres away and Walter's 10 minutes away). I know I'll take good care of the baby , I just really hope it doesn't suddenly get sick or something (you never know with babies...).

I sometimes wonder why this family picked me. I reckon I'm more expensive than an Eastern European au pair (air ticket +visa =1700 euro) and I dont' have a lot of experience. At one time, I wondered if they really were a real family or a sex ring or something . Now I've seen pictures and have talked to them, I'm sure they're real. Actually I know it'll all be OK and I'm just so excited about it!

Now all I have to do is write some query letters to some magazines so that I get a regular column . I mean, wa-hey, I know I live a great life! How many Malaysians get to do this or have the guts to do things like this? Pretty much none;) W00t.

OK this is boring but I love R so much:) He's the best guy ever.


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